Carrie Chandler, Monitora Chuquinha
603-682-2488, [email protected]
Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines live music, movement, some acrobatics, Brazilian history, and the Portuguese language, creating a fun and interesting exercise designed for people of all ages. North Country Capoeira Gerais, which I founded here in Canton, is the first New York branch of Capoeira Gerais Boston, founded by Mestre Marquinho Coreba.
- Founder of North Country Capoeira Gerais, the first branch of Capoeira Gerais in NY
- Holds the rank of Monitora (fifth cord) in the group Capoeira Gerais, founded by Grão Mestre Mao Branca
- Trains and teaches under the supervision of Mestre Marquinho Coreba, founder of Capoeira Gerais Boston
September 2015 - Present; Canton, NY: Teaches biweekly Capoeira classes for kids ages 5 - 10 at Little River Community School; Studies music with Professor Estagiário Alex Oliveira, Capoeira Gerais Matriz
June - August 2015; Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Completed 6 week residency at Capoeira Gerais Matriz, world headquarters of Capoeira Gerais; Partcipated in the 7th World Festival of Capoeira Gerais and in the 7th World Encounter of Capoeira Sul da Bahia
January - May 2015; Canton, NY: Taught biweekly Capoeira classes for kids ages 4 - 9 at Little River Community School
September - December 2014; Canton, NY: Designed and taught an interdisciplinary unit on Capoeira including lessons about Afro-Brazilian history, the Portuguese language, music, and physical education for grades K-2
August 2012 - May 2014; Marlboro, MA: Volunteered as the assistant teacher for biweekly kids classes; substitute taught for Mestre Marquinho Coreba, Capoeira Gerais Boston; Taught Friday night kids classes, ages 4 - 12, for 6 months
January 2009 - Present: Trained with Mestre Marquinho Coreba, founder of Capoeira Gerais Boston
603-682-2488, [email protected]
Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines live music, movement, some acrobatics, Brazilian history, and the Portuguese language, creating a fun and interesting exercise designed for people of all ages. North Country Capoeira Gerais, which I founded here in Canton, is the first New York branch of Capoeira Gerais Boston, founded by Mestre Marquinho Coreba.
- Founder of North Country Capoeira Gerais, the first branch of Capoeira Gerais in NY
- Holds the rank of Monitora (fifth cord) in the group Capoeira Gerais, founded by Grão Mestre Mao Branca
- Trains and teaches under the supervision of Mestre Marquinho Coreba, founder of Capoeira Gerais Boston
September 2015 - Present; Canton, NY: Teaches biweekly Capoeira classes for kids ages 5 - 10 at Little River Community School; Studies music with Professor Estagiário Alex Oliveira, Capoeira Gerais Matriz
June - August 2015; Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Completed 6 week residency at Capoeira Gerais Matriz, world headquarters of Capoeira Gerais; Partcipated in the 7th World Festival of Capoeira Gerais and in the 7th World Encounter of Capoeira Sul da Bahia
January - May 2015; Canton, NY: Taught biweekly Capoeira classes for kids ages 4 - 9 at Little River Community School
September - December 2014; Canton, NY: Designed and taught an interdisciplinary unit on Capoeira including lessons about Afro-Brazilian history, the Portuguese language, music, and physical education for grades K-2
August 2012 - May 2014; Marlboro, MA: Volunteered as the assistant teacher for biweekly kids classes; substitute taught for Mestre Marquinho Coreba, Capoeira Gerais Boston; Taught Friday night kids classes, ages 4 - 12, for 6 months
January 2009 - Present: Trained with Mestre Marquinho Coreba, founder of Capoeira Gerais Boston