Douglas Callegario
[email protected] 310-740-4415 Yoga, for me, is a journey. Over the years, I began noticing its signs in my life: being amazed by gymnastics as a child, taking one Physical Education class that dabbled in yoga in high school, seeing a video of someone in Kurmasana years ago and thinking, “How the hell can she do that?” and then pushing myself to find out. Also, as I studied Gastronomy in college, I started investigating Eastern Medicines (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, etc.), since food was intrinsic to their philosophies. The more I learned about how the body and mind respond to what you give to them, the more I saw the connection, unity, yoga, in everything. The path laid in front of me, and I decided to walk it. Random studio classes, home stretching, YouTube watching… It slowly built up. Until I found Ashtanga. Then it leaped! The Ashtanga practice rewards the effort so quickly that it entranced me. I didn't think that by just moving myself into shapes, by just breathing, by just focusing, I could enter into a brave new world of wonders. After countless hours of dedicated study and self-practice, I feel ready to help others feel the “sublime tranquility” of walking the path of Yoga. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti |