COVID-19: Yoga Loft Outdoor Safety Plan
updated 6/29/2020
Safety Plan – Outdoor Classes
The Canton Yoga Loft Reopening Committee
Jennifer Pfotenhauer [email protected]
Ellie Beeler [email protected]
Erica Norton [email protected]
Sarah Scafidi McGuire [email protected]
Cc:Anna Sorensen (Board President) [email protected]
Sarah Oakley (Board Vice President) [email protected]
Date: 06/29/20
- Classes may be held outdoors in places that have adequate space for physical distancing and only where we are permitted, based on Statewide Reopening Guidelines. Class approval should go through the Yoga Loft Board as we must ensure we adhere to all Statewide COVID 19 Reopening Guidelines including those of any partner agencies, organizations, and municipalities.
- Each teacher will have a Sanitation Station to be set up at each class including: Hand Sanitizer (60%+ alcohol content), sanitizing wipes, extra face masks, COVID 19 signage, distancing markers and class tracking log. This kit will be provided by the Board to each teacher who is teaching an outdoor class. Additional supplies can be obtained from Jennifer Pfotenhauer ([email protected] ) This station will be cleaned and sanitized before and after each class.
- Any classes held at a shared location (e.g. park, beach) will follow safety and sanitation protocols in place for that location.
- All participants (teacher and students) must physical distance and stay at least 6ft apart as much as possible. Any time participants are less than 6 ft. apart from one another, they are required to wear acceptable face coverings (mask or face shield). Face coverings are strongly recommended for all participants, at all times.
- Teachers are strongly recommended to wear face coverings at all times, including while teaching. This allows for safer interactions, especially in the case of an emergency, as well as setting an overall wellness example.
- It is the responsibility of each person to provide their own face coverings. Some disposable face masks will be available on site, if needed.
- The number of participants for each class will not exceed what is currently approved by the State for group gatherings and/or at a particular venue.
- There will be no shared equipment or props. It is the responsibility for each teacher and student to provide their own personal mat and any other props for class.
- Paddleboard Yoga participants will need to remain 6ft apart and/or wear masks until on the water. When on the water participants will remain 6ft apart on their boards. Boards will be returned at the end of class and sanitized by Potsdam Recreation staff as per their Safety Plan.
- Teachers will sign a health screening statement at the beginning of each class as part of the class tracking log. This log will be submitted to the Yoga Loft Board Reopening Committee after each class for review and documentation purposes.
- All class participants will be signed in with contact information on a class tracking log by the teacher for each class. This class log will then be submitted to and reviewed by a representative of the Yoga Loft Board Reopening Committee after each class for documentation and tracking purposes.
- If desired, a teacher may require pre-registration for their class. Students will still be signed in as above at each class for accuracy of attendance and tracking purposes.
- For each class, distancing markers will be placed out by the teacher prior to class to designate appropriate distancing for students. Teachers will monitor and ensure distancing is maintained throughout class. Mats will be spaced 10ft apart so that participants can maintain the 6ft distance while on and around their mat.
- There will be no person to person contact by people who do not reside in the same household unit, except in the case of an emergency (i.e. no hands-on adjustments, partnering….)
- Signage will be posted with the Sanitation Station to remind participants to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and sanitizing protocols. Teachers will also provide verbal reminders of these protocols.
- Non-contact payment/donations for all classes will be online through the Yoga Loft website.
- Any consecutive classes in the same location will be spaced 30 minutes apart to allow for physical distancing and sanitizing during turnover.
- Any teacher who tests positive for COVID 19 will contact the Yoga Loft Board President or Vice President. The President or Vice President will contact and work with the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department who is responsible for official contact tracing protocol. All Board Members will also be notified by the President or Vice President that a teacher has tested positive but keep the identity of the teacher confidential.
- As a courtesy we ask any student who tests positive for COVID 19 notify the teacher of any class they have attended. The Yoga Loft Board President or Vice President will contact and work with the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department who is responsible for official contact tracing protocol. All Board Members will also be notified by the President or Vice President that a participant has tested positive but keep the identity of the involved party confidential.
- Communication regarding classes and protocols will be online via the Yoga Loft website, email and social media. Any questions or concerns can be communicated to any teacher or Board member in person, by phone or by email.
The Canton Yoga Loft Reopening Committee
Jennifer Pfotenhauer [email protected]
Ellie Beeler [email protected]
Erica Norton [email protected]
Sarah Scafidi McGuire [email protected]
Cc:Anna Sorensen (Board President) [email protected]
Sarah Oakley (Board Vice President) [email protected]
Date: 06/29/20