Wellness Workshops
Current and Upcoming
Please register directly with each presenter.
Current and Upcoming
Please register directly with each presenter.

Iyengar Yoga Basics with Liz Haney [email protected]
A once-a-month workshop series introducing the Iyengar style of yoga
In Iyengar Yoga, we pay close attention to anatomical details and the alignment of each posture—it’s a practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods and modified with props. This method is motivated by the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to strive for complete alignment, and the focus is on making yoga accessible to every age and every body. All levels of yoga experience welcome.
Back Bends
Saturday December 15, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Must have 6 pre-registrants by December 10 in order to run the workshop
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in back bending poses. We’ll use lots of props to protect the body and we’ll close with Pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
Foundational Poses
Saturday January 26, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). We’ll then practice Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) the “mother” of asanas in the Iyengar approach, again using lots of props to protect the body and focus on proper alignment. We’ll close with pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
Standing Poses
Saturday February 16, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in standing poses, such as Virabhadrasana (Warrior), Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle), Utthita Prarsvakonasana (Side Angle), and Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon). We’ll use lots of props to protect the body and focus on proper alignment, and we’ll close with pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
Backbends - CANCELLED
Saturday March 23, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in backbends, such as Bhujangasana (Cobra), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog), Salabhasana (Locust), Ustrasana (Camel), and Urdhva danurasana (Wheel). We’ll use lots of props to protect the body and focus on proper alignment, and we’ll close with pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
A once-a-month workshop series introducing the Iyengar style of yoga
In Iyengar Yoga, we pay close attention to anatomical details and the alignment of each posture—it’s a practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods and modified with props. This method is motivated by the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to strive for complete alignment, and the focus is on making yoga accessible to every age and every body. All levels of yoga experience welcome.
Back Bends
Saturday December 15, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Must have 6 pre-registrants by December 10 in order to run the workshop
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in back bending poses. We’ll use lots of props to protect the body and we’ll close with Pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
Foundational Poses
Saturday January 26, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). We’ll then practice Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) the “mother” of asanas in the Iyengar approach, again using lots of props to protect the body and focus on proper alignment. We’ll close with pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
Standing Poses
Saturday February 16, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in standing poses, such as Virabhadrasana (Warrior), Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle), Utthita Prarsvakonasana (Side Angle), and Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon). We’ll use lots of props to protect the body and focus on proper alignment, and we’ll close with pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).
Backbends - CANCELLED
Saturday March 23, 10:30am-12:30pm
Register by sending email to Liz at [email protected]
Use 2 blocks on your Yoga Loft class card or $30 drop-in
In this workshop we introduce the alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga to beginners, with a focus on proper alignment in backbends, such as Bhujangasana (Cobra), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog), Salabhasana (Locust), Ustrasana (Camel), and Urdhva danurasana (Wheel). We’ll use lots of props to protect the body and focus on proper alignment, and we’ll close with pranayama (breathing exercise) and a restful Savasana (deep relaxation).

Alexander Technique/Yoga Tune-Up(R) with Cintia Hongay, (315)262-4023, [email protected]
Saturday Feb 9, 10:30am-12 noon
Class card or $15 drop-in
In this once a month workshop series, Cintia will be selecting specific body areas to focus on and incorporate Alexander's postural exercises which are synergistic to the Yoga Tune-Up(R) practice. Each workshop will emphasize different yoga poses and exercises, thus no two workshops will be alike. The overall theme for the series will be "Live better in your body by learning how to self-massage fascia, relieve neck and shoulder tension, strengthen postural muscles and joints, and regain spine and hip flexibility". For more information, visit https://www.tuneupfitness.com/yogatuneup/about
Saturday Feb 9, 10:30am-12 noon
Class card or $15 drop-in
In this once a month workshop series, Cintia will be selecting specific body areas to focus on and incorporate Alexander's postural exercises which are synergistic to the Yoga Tune-Up(R) practice. Each workshop will emphasize different yoga poses and exercises, thus no two workshops will be alike. The overall theme for the series will be "Live better in your body by learning how to self-massage fascia, relieve neck and shoulder tension, strengthen postural muscles and joints, and regain spine and hip flexibility". For more information, visit https://www.tuneupfitness.com/yogatuneup/about

Self-Care Cafe with Alison Brant [email protected], 315-386-3040
Saturday Feb 23rd, 10:30am - 1:30pm
$60 with early sign up, $75 drop in.
What do we mean by 'self care,' anyways? What does it look like to you? Explore these questions, consider the effects of accumulated neglect (stress!) on the body and mind, and learn techniques that are easy to integrate with daily life. Cultivate habits that promote health and longevity... because you’re worth it!
Workshop will include discussion, meditation, breath-work, self-massage, tea sampling, deep-relaxation, and more. Please bring a hand or bath towel, and wear clothes that you can access your arms and legs for massage and that you don't mind getting oil on.
This workshop will be offered in a 4 week format - Coming Soon!
Alison is an Ayurveda Yoga Specialist, CYT-500, PTA and experienced group facilitator. This workshop weaves together her training and experience in wholistic health practices.
Saturday Feb 23rd, 10:30am - 1:30pm
$60 with early sign up, $75 drop in.
What do we mean by 'self care,' anyways? What does it look like to you? Explore these questions, consider the effects of accumulated neglect (stress!) on the body and mind, and learn techniques that are easy to integrate with daily life. Cultivate habits that promote health and longevity... because you’re worth it!
Workshop will include discussion, meditation, breath-work, self-massage, tea sampling, deep-relaxation, and more. Please bring a hand or bath towel, and wear clothes that you can access your arms and legs for massage and that you don't mind getting oil on.
This workshop will be offered in a 4 week format - Coming Soon!
Alison is an Ayurveda Yoga Specialist, CYT-500, PTA and experienced group facilitator. This workshop weaves together her training and experience in wholistic health practices.

A Weekend of Structural Yoga with Mary Bartel of Inner Quest Yoga, Saranac Lake
Saturday and Sunday, March 30th & 31st
[email protected] 518-354-2425
Drop-ins welcome so long as space is available. Please register to secure your spot. Payments can be made by mail to The Yoga Loft, 17 Main St Suite A, Canton, NY 13617
Intro to Structural Yoga - Part I
Saturday Mar 30, 11:00am - 3:00pm Half hour lunch break 1:00 -1:30
Workshop I and II: $75 each or $140.00 if taking both.
Add $10 for CE credits letter of completion.
Structural Yoga™, founded by Mukunda Stiles, is based on the Classical Yoga of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Krishnamacharya’s principle of adapting to the individual, and the spiritual teachings of Swami Muktananda. In this experiential training, we’ll explore the functional movements that make up asana. This understanding will lead to greater mastery of yoga asana - steadiness and ease.
Teachings and practices to be presented in this workshop:
Opening and Closing Mantra and Universal Prayer
Yoga’s spiritual roots - Patanjali’s Sutras for Asana & Pranayama
Safe Anatomical Movement - functional anatomy through the Joint Freeing Sequence (JFS)
Learn to develop a keen feel to effectively adapt yoga to individual needs
This workshop is beneficial for medical professionals as an introduction to Yoga, Yoga Teachers interested in learning more anatomy and adapting yoga to individuals, or those curious about the Structural Yoga Teacher and/or Therapist programs.
Intro to Structural Yoga - Part II
Saturday Mar 31, 10:30am - 3:00pm Half hour lunch break 12:30 -1:00
Workshop I and II: $75 each or $140.00 if taking both.
Add $10 for CE credits letter of completion.
In Part II we will explore the function of yoga poses and the movements of Part I in primary yoga poses. Realize the function of each posture, learn how to modify yoga poses for adapting to individual needs.
***If signing up for Part I & II register here to receive discount.***

iRest Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath Meditation
Saturday Mar 30, 4:30-6:00 pm
$30/individual or $50/couple
Bathe in the sounds, vibrations and frequencies created by Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, chimes, turtle drum, shruti box and more. Your attention will flow to these mystifying sounds, brainwave states slow down, and the nervous system relaxes; in such a state, natural healing can occur and insights can arise.
Saturday Mar 30, 4:30-6:00 pm
$30/individual or $50/couple
Bathe in the sounds, vibrations and frequencies created by Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, chimes, turtle drum, shruti box and more. Your attention will flow to these mystifying sounds, brainwave states slow down, and the nervous system relaxes; in such a state, natural healing can occur and insights can arise.
Previously Presented Wellness Workshops