Wellness Workshops and Special Events
in chronological order
in chronological order

Candlelight Restorative Yoga (Erica N)
Sunday April 5, 6:00-7:15 PM
Use class card or $15 drop-in
Soothe the nervous system with an invitation to do less and relax more. This candlelight class includes poses that are fully supported by props and held for 5-15 minutes each. Join Sarah SM, Sarah O or Erica N as they rotate to teach this special 1st Sunday of the month series to still the mind.
Sunday April 5, 6:00-7:15 PM
Use class card or $15 drop-in
Soothe the nervous system with an invitation to do less and relax more. This candlelight class includes poses that are fully supported by props and held for 5-15 minutes each. Join Sarah SM, Sarah O or Erica N as they rotate to teach this special 1st Sunday of the month series to still the mind.
Empaths' Retreat: Exploring Boundaries
A workshop for highly sensitive people with Kathy Montan, [email protected] Saturday May 2, 10:30am - 2:30pm with 1/2hr lunch break Sliding Scale, $60/$40/$20, your choice Limited to 10 participants; register with Kathy to reserve your spot NOTE: Kathy is donating her time so all proceeds from this workshop benefit the Yoga Loft expansion project Many of us are clairsentient, which means that we pick up on the feelings of those around us. Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes it's too much of a good thing. Through a combination of dialog, movement, teaching sessions, guided meditations, and creative expression we will explore ways (both energetically and more concretely) to create boundaries around our innate abilities. If you feel that you sometimes take on the pain of others, this retreat/workshop will help you. For sensitive people, the chance to come into community with others who are like themselves can be invaluable. We learn from each other and feel supported in very rich and empowering ways. -------------------------- The following quotes were gleaned from comments made after the last time Kathy offered this retreat. "This was great! Very timely! Loved the combination of right/left brain activities. Was very tight when I came and was loose and relaxed and optimistic when I left." "I liked all of it. The timing of the activities was perfect for me. Just what I needed." "Enjoyed all aspects. The science, the art, movement. We did a lot for ourselves." "I can't believe how much I got out of this workshop!!! I wouldn't change anything you did. The pace was good and the balance of moving, sitting, thinking was good. Time flew. Offer it again |